Meni niin hermot vetskarin ompeluun pöllötyynyissä että harjoittelua selvästi tarvittiin. Tässäpä siis harjoituskappaleeksi pussukka. Söötit kankaat ja soma pinkki vetskari (joka vieläkin kettuili mutta kuitenkin asettui lopulta nätisti). Mitäpä sitä ihminen muuta tarttee :)
Lilje knits and does other kinds of DIY. Results may be wonky as things often don't go according to plan, but the amount of love involved in each project is quaranteed. Come along for the ride and share the ups and downs, the joys and miserable failures!
Thursday, 30 May 2013
The Zippery Pouch
The sewing mania continues. After the difficulties I had with the owl pillow zipper, I thought it might be a good idea to practice some more. So: a pouch with a zipper. Namely this one. Seems like an easy peasy thing to do, which it was, but I still managed to use several hours for the projects. Well, it was raining, so what else is one to do. And it turned out super cute (with a really prettily sewn zipper *cough*)! In hindsight it would've been better to add the interfacing to the main fabric instead of the lining, but it still looks nice. I have no idea what to put in it yet, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. //
With love, Lilje
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
The Owl Pillows
Hi there! How's life treating you these days? Here the weather doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind about whether or not it is summer or not. It seems every other day is super autumny with cold wind and rain and every other nice and sunny. Who knows, maybe we'll get our summer at some point. But while the sun is playing hide and seek, it's a good time to stay indoors and sew, sew, sew!
Remember the cutesy owl fabric I bought a while back? Well, now it's been transformed into two adorable pillow cases. They are 50 x 50 cm and I love them! But oh my god what a PAIN in the ass sewing zippers can be! I think it's been like 10 years since I last sewed in one. And now I remember why. Despite using the proper zipper foot in the sewing machine, it still seems to be nearly impossible to get the zipper hidden so that the fabric covers it. Superblah! Well, I managed it somehow, and you can't really see the zipper in these babies anyway, so problems schmoblems, who cares :D I just loooove the fabric, I can't stop fluffing up the pillows and admiring the print.
How do you like them? And do you have any tips for the madness of zipper sewing? //
With love, Lilje
Remember the cutesy owl fabric I bought a while back? Well, now it's been transformed into two adorable pillow cases. They are 50 x 50 cm and I love them! But oh my god what a PAIN in the ass sewing zippers can be! I think it's been like 10 years since I last sewed in one. And now I remember why. Despite using the proper zipper foot in the sewing machine, it still seems to be nearly impossible to get the zipper hidden so that the fabric covers it. Superblah! Well, I managed it somehow, and you can't really see the zipper in these babies anyway, so problems schmoblems, who cares :D I just loooove the fabric, I can't stop fluffing up the pillows and admiring the print.
How do you like them? And do you have any tips for the madness of zipper sewing? //
Nyt on pöllötyynyt, jee! Ihan hirmu soma printti tuossa kankaassa, en voi lakata hypistelemästä tyynyjä. Mutta vetoketjun ompelu ehkä hidastaa vähän seuraavaa isoa tyynyprojektia. Tsiisus että voi olla ärsyttävää hommaa! Ärräpäiden kera sain vetskarit kuitenkin paikalleen, mutta huomasi että edellisestä yrityksestä oli varmaan kymmenisen vuotta aikaa. Puuh. Ehkä harjoitus tekee mestarin. Vinkkejä otetaan vastaan!
Thursday, 16 May 2013
The Summer Tote
As I mentioned a few posts before, I've been bitten by the sewing bug. There's no cure; you just have to accept the fact that you will be buzzing all your spare time away with your sewing machine. But I don't mind, as there are still more little gifts I want to make for friends and family before our trip to Finland in a month.
Here's the next project. When I saw the tutorial for this inside out bag I knew that this would SO be the next thing I'd do (over and over). I've never sewn a tote bag before even though they are super easy to make, but this one combined bias tapes with the design, so there was a bit more to do than just sew the seams together.
With love, Lilje
Here's the next project. When I saw the tutorial for this inside out bag I knew that this would SO be the next thing I'd do (over and over). I've never sewn a tote bag before even though they are super easy to make, but this one combined bias tapes with the design, so there was a bit more to do than just sew the seams together.
I am completely in love with the colours! Yes of course there are spots that don't bear looking at too closely and it's not completely straight, but all in all I'm very pleased in how it turned out. The bigger pocket panel on the other side of the bag is a bit floppy as I didn't use interfacing, so I'm thinking I might add a button there just to prevent it from collapsing in use.
The final touch that makes the tote really pop are the überlovely iron-ons by Sukie that I found as a little book from a crafts shop. Such adorable designs! I guarantee that you'll be seeing more of them later on. //
Lisää viemisiä: aivan supersuloinen kesäkassi! Ja niin helppo tehdä. Piste iin päällä ovat nuo Sukien silitettävät kuvat. Mielettömän söpöjä printtejä, ei mitään järkeä. Hehkutanko vielä lisää vai uskotteko jo? :) Tätä kassia kantsii kyllä kokeilla! Paitsi ehkä jos käyttää taskukankaaksi ohutta kangasta niin kantsii laittaa myös tukikangaskerros. Nyt on isompi tasku vähän liian lerpsu, siihen pitää ehkä laittaa nappi ylälaitaan.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
The Accidental Finnish Baskets
Oh, the summer is here! I know I have no place complaining about the cold weather as I've been enjoying the warmth of Thailand for (almost) all of the winter. But the summer here and there are completely different animals. How everything smells, how the wind feels on your skin... Needless to say that as a complete summer girl I love them both.
Did I already tell you we're going to Finland for a holiday in the summer? No? Well, we are. And I'm so excited: it's always such a thrill to vacation in your home country, because you almost never do it. At least I rarely do: when it's time for a holiday, I pack by bags and go somewhere else. But now, I'm gonna go and enjoy Finland as the holiday makers might: long summer nights at the summer house, sipping wine (or bad cider, who am I kidding?), eating fish every day, meeting friends and family.
And that brings us (finally) to the crafts project of today: what to bring with me when I see all the lovely people again? It's pretty lame to bring foodstuff as you can pretty much get the same stuff in Finland as you do here. But luckily I'm a crafty little wonky person and already busily preparing little gifts, yay! Here's the first one:
Ok, yes, I know: they are completely in Finland's colours. But that was an accident, I swear! As I ordered the super chunky textile yarn, I was looking for ice blue or something a bit lighter in shade anyway. But Finland colours I got, so Finland colours I'll use. Plus I'm sure my mom will love them :)
I hadn't crocheted after primary school, but the basic stitches (double crochet and chain stitch here, mainly) are so easy peasy that it was no problem to do these little baskets. I looket at instructions from here, here and here. The pages are all in Finnish, but I'm sure there are gazillions of instrucions in English as well, just google for crocheted basket. The only thing that caused me some problems was the fact, that as the baskets are crocheted as a spiral, the finishing edge and the colour change spot will be a bit uneven. But wonky is good, right? Plus I figured out if I finish the edge with a slip stitch, it will be more even. //
Projekteja kesätuliaisiksi Suomen-reissulle, kas tässä. Ekana virkatut korit, joista tuli ihan vahingossa suomiväriset. No, äiti tykkää, kun laps ajattelee Suomea ulkomailla... :)
With love, Lilje
Did I already tell you we're going to Finland for a holiday in the summer? No? Well, we are. And I'm so excited: it's always such a thrill to vacation in your home country, because you almost never do it. At least I rarely do: when it's time for a holiday, I pack by bags and go somewhere else. But now, I'm gonna go and enjoy Finland as the holiday makers might: long summer nights at the summer house, sipping wine (or bad cider, who am I kidding?), eating fish every day, meeting friends and family.
And that brings us (finally) to the crafts project of today: what to bring with me when I see all the lovely people again? It's pretty lame to bring foodstuff as you can pretty much get the same stuff in Finland as you do here. But luckily I'm a crafty little wonky person and already busily preparing little gifts, yay! Here's the first one:
I hadn't crocheted after primary school, but the basic stitches (double crochet and chain stitch here, mainly) are so easy peasy that it was no problem to do these little baskets. I looket at instructions from here, here and here. The pages are all in Finnish, but I'm sure there are gazillions of instrucions in English as well, just google for crocheted basket. The only thing that caused me some problems was the fact, that as the baskets are crocheted as a spiral, the finishing edge and the colour change spot will be a bit uneven. But wonky is good, right? Plus I figured out if I finish the edge with a slip stitch, it will be more even. //
Projekteja kesätuliaisiksi Suomen-reissulle, kas tässä. Ekana virkatut korit, joista tuli ihan vahingossa suomiväriset. No, äiti tykkää, kun laps ajattelee Suomea ulkomailla... :)
With love, Lilje
Monday, 13 May 2013
The Revenge of the Purse
Pussukat pussukoi menemään. Mental note: päättele langat, älä luota ompelukoneen päättelytoimintoon. Myöskään ei tartte senttiä kehyksen saranan ja ompeleen välissä, puoli senttiä riittänee. Seuraavaa erää odotellessa...
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I think they look like fish with their mouths open. Omnomnom feed me, they're saying. |
With love, Lilje
Sunday, 12 May 2013
The Mother's Day
It's Mother's day soon, and for the first time ever decided to make the cards for my mum and my future mother-in-law. They turned out quite nice! And now I really want to make something else out of paper. Is it like this with you as well: when you try a new tecnique or wander into the realm of new material, you can't seem to get enough of it? Luckily I didn't buy much more paper... (but there are shops...). Of course I had to post them only after the day itself so as not to spoil the surprise. I'm sure you understand :) PS. Oh! Almost forgot to tell you: I also bought new stamps for the letters. Very cool, although hard to get aligned... //
Äitienpäiväaskartelua, olkaapas hyvät. Hyvissä ajoin tehty mutta viekkaasti vasta äitienpäivän jälkeen postattu. En oo koskaan oikeen tälleen kortteja askarrellu, ja näistä tuli oikeen kivat! Harjoittelu jatkukoon siis... Ja uudet leimasimetkin ostin, kirjaimet. Vähän hankala saada samalle kohdalle mutta kauniit <3
With love, Lilje
Äitienpäiväaskartelua, olkaapas hyvät. Hyvissä ajoin tehty mutta viekkaasti vasta äitienpäivän jälkeen postattu. En oo koskaan oikeen tälleen kortteja askarrellu, ja näistä tuli oikeen kivat! Harjoittelu jatkukoon siis... Ja uudet leimasimetkin ostin, kirjaimet. Vähän hankala saada samalle kohdalle mutta kauniit <3
With love, Lilje
Thursday, 9 May 2013
The Purse Returns
Hello there, how's things? Here, it seems I'm living in a purse factory. Ok, I might have gone a bit overboard. But when you have purse frames and nice fabric lying around, there really is no choice. They whisper into your ear and won't shut up until you've used them all. Plus my friend was carrying her new mobile phone around in an old mitten. That of course won't do, when you're friends with a DIY person, so the other pouch is for her. I was a bit worried that it'd be too small but it turned out to be just perfect. Yay for pouches! //
Pussukkatehtaasta päivää! Vähän ehkä on vimmaa ilmassa nyt mutta mikäs siinä, on kevät ja kaunista kangasta ja pussukkakehyksiä. Että näitä nyt sit vaan tulee...
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
The Fabric Mania #2
Hey, it's me again. I have to tell you of a shop called Frieda Hain. It's here in Friedrichshain and it will be the end of me. Well, financially at least. It is stacked from floor to ceiling with the most amazing colourful fabrics, buttons, ribbons... you name it. And let me tell you, they are not cheap. But luckily they have a basket full of small swatches for the smaller projects. So I might actually have some money left to buy some food as well. And wine. And ice cream. Oh, you get the picture. But just look at these! <3 //
Ihan sairaan ihania kankaita tuolla Frieda Hain -kaupassa. Mutta myös ihan sairaan kalliita. Ei uskalla kovin usein käydä että leivän päälle riittää muutakin ku ylähuuli. Mutta kattokaa nyt näitä! Miten näitä voi vastustaa?
With love, Lilje
Ihan sairaan ihania kankaita tuolla Frieda Hain -kaupassa. Mutta myös ihan sairaan kalliita. Ei uskalla kovin usein käydä että leivän päälle riittää muutakin ku ylähuuli. Mutta kattokaa nyt näitä! Miten näitä voi vastustaa?
With love, Lilje
Sunday, 5 May 2013
The Fabric Mania #1
Hi there! Is it already spring where you're at? It is sooo nice here now: the trees have sprouted leaves in two weeks, there seem to be more sunny days than cloudy, and the temperatures have climbed to almost +20 or even above, like this weekend. The Berliners are out and about in their shorts and flip-flops which seems really really weird and crazy for someone like me, who can barely take off her winter coat before the thermometer reaches +25. But hey, you need to enjoy the nice days while they last, eh?
So, enough of the weather worship. I've actually managed to do something as well and not just bask in the sun. There will be a couple of posts, so bear with me!
Is there a saying for how good spring and sewing go together? No? Well, there should be. It seems that all I can think about this spring are fabrics and what I could (and should!) make of them. I've gone slightly bonkers in the fabric shops... Here are a couple of lovely ones. Aren't they precious? I don't know how ANYONE can resist something like this. I sure can't! Stay tuned for projects from these lovelies <3 //
Ilmat on lähiakoina kovasti hellineet berliiniläisiä. Rohkeimmat (eli lähes kaikki muut kuin minä) vetää menemään läppösissä ja shortseissa vaikka ei täällä nyt oikeesti ihan niin lämmin oo. Oon tehnytkin jotain, mutta siitä enemmän myöhemmin. Tässä ensin iiiihania kankaita: eiks oo söpöjä? Iih! <3
With love, Lilje
So, enough of the weather worship. I've actually managed to do something as well and not just bask in the sun. There will be a couple of posts, so bear with me!
Is there a saying for how good spring and sewing go together? No? Well, there should be. It seems that all I can think about this spring are fabrics and what I could (and should!) make of them. I've gone slightly bonkers in the fabric shops... Here are a couple of lovely ones. Aren't they precious? I don't know how ANYONE can resist something like this. I sure can't! Stay tuned for projects from these lovelies <3 //
Ilmat on lähiakoina kovasti hellineet berliiniläisiä. Rohkeimmat (eli lähes kaikki muut kuin minä) vetää menemään läppösissä ja shortseissa vaikka ei täällä nyt oikeesti ihan niin lämmin oo. Oon tehnytkin jotain, mutta siitä enemmän myöhemmin. Tässä ensin iiiihania kankaita: eiks oo söpöjä? Iih! <3
With love, Lilje
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