Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The Purse Mania

The summer is finally here in full force, and I just started my holiday! That's the good news. The bad news is, that next week Berlin is going to get a heat wave from Sahara, and guess where I will be then? In Finland. Where we're lucky if it's above +15. Oh well. But at least there will be friends to keep us warm both in body and spirit. So yay for holidays. And yay for gifts! It goes without saying that I cannot go see my friends and family empty handed. So, when in doubt, sew purses. Lots of them. In all colors. Who could resist them? Not me :)

Something weird happened while I was sewing, though. Remember when I told with the last batch that I really didn't need such a big gap there where the purse frame ends and the purse begins? Well, I did remember, and left less space there. But when I'd finished glueing the frames in place, guess what? The gap was even bigger than before! Graah! So more hand-sewing for me. Next time I will add no allowance between the frame hinge and the purse. Let's see how it works then...

I finally got to use the owl fabric that I bought ages ago!

Nom nom feed us!
Läjä söpöisiä pussukoita viemisiksi Suomeen <3

With love, Lilje

Sunday, 16 June 2013

The Gift Tags

These little beauties I made in the recent craft night. Julie had sooo many rolls of lovely washi tape and cute papers that just had to be used. So, gift tags. And to top off the loveliness, she dug out a box of small craft jewels. I tihnk I now have enough gift tags for the next couple of Christmases at least :)


Ihanista washiteipeistä ja kauniista papereista syntyi askarteluillassa söpöjä pakettikortteja. Nyt on parille joululle kortit valmiina :)

With love, Lilje

Saturday, 15 June 2013

The Craft Night

I was recently invited to my very first craft night at the lovely Julie's place. She had found some ceramic plates that someone had thrown away (!!), so we started the evening by painting them. I'd never painted ceramic before and I'm really crap at drawing or paiting anything so I was a bit apprehensive, but the little plates turned out very cute! At least now I have a couple of white(ish) plates for food photography... our black and grey plates really are not at all suitable for taking nice food photos.

Julie had also made this amazing gluten free cheesecake just for me. The portion was HUGE but I almost managed to finish it during the evening. Soooo delicious...

Besides the ceramic painting Julie had sewn these little Berlin TV towers, so I filled some of them to take home with me. So cute! And she had a gazillion rolls of washi tape which just had to be used for something, so I made some gift tags. Or a lot. But I'll make a new post of them, because they deserve a post of their own.

All in all the night was everything I had hoped for and more. Hopefully there will be many more such nights to come :) //

Ihana Julie järjesti askarteluillan. Maalattiin lautasia, täytettiin TV-torneja ja askartelin vielä pakettikortteja. Supersuperhauskaa! <3

With love, Lilje

Sunday, 2 June 2013

The Dotted Basket

It's raining, it's raining again. So Her Wonkiness is sewing, sewing again. This time I tried to make this one (in German, sorry). Somehow even though both fabrics had dots, I managed to cut the pieces wonky. Oh well, it doesn't show (too badly) in the end result. Also the basket is a bit too large for the storage of misc items lying around in the living room, but it's still pretty so hey, size isn't everything! The cute iron-on is one of Sukie's again. //

Ompeluhommia jälleen, tällä kertaa säilytyslaatikkoa. Vähän liian isohan siitä tuli mutta vallan söpö, niin palvelee kyllä tarkoitustaan silti (eli siis pikkusälän säilytystä).


With love, Lilje