Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The First Purse

So, I promised you some crafts as well. Recently I've been daydreaming about sewing and making small, cute things which I could give as presents. On Sunday a small scale web shopping frenzy struck me, and I ordered a bunch of stull that will come very handy indeed for this purpose. Yesterday I received the first package with purse frames and immediately had to rush to the fabric store to get interfacing (Bügeleinlage/tukikangas. You learn new words everyday when you're crafting in a foreign country.)

I got so far as cutting the purse pieces and ironing on the interfacing yesterday, and today (despite I had work to do) I couldn't wait any longer: so out with the sewing machine, and one-two-three-SEW!

And lo and behold, only about half an hour later:

It is soooo pretty! Isn't it? And how easy was that! I dreaded the part of glueing the frame on but it was a total piece of cake as well. The instructions for this lovely purse can be found here in English or here in Finnish. I orderer the purse frames from Dawanda shop Bügel-Kram, but I'm sure you can find them close to where you live as well. 

I am totally hooked onto making these now, so stay tuned for more lovelies. I have just the fabric for it as well... I'll show you later on :) //

Kauhea ompeluvimma on iskenyt, ja pussukoiden tekoa on pitänyt kokeilla jo pitkään. Vihdoin sain tilattua näitä kukkarokehyksiä (vai mikä lie niiden nimi on) ja KATSOKAA MITEN HIENO SIITÄ TULI! Ei vitsi että olen onnessani. Ja niin helppoa! *kevättanssi* Nyt kaikki heti kokeilemaan, linkki ohjeisiin löytyy yläpuolelta jostain.

With love, Lilje

The Berlin (Photography) Bloggers

Hey you! The spring is finally here, or so it seems. Every other day it's warm and nice, and every other day you wear the same clothes as the day before and almost freeze to death. I'm teetering on the verge of a spring cold, but trying to avoid it by drinking tea, using my neti-pot and eating a ridiculous amount of vitamins. And of course crafting. But more of that in the next post.

Right now, let's go back to last weekend. On Friday, a bunch of photography-minded Berlin bloggers got together in Friedenau (really far away from where I live...) to share a glass of wine and discuss blogging and taking pictures. There were about a dozen of us there, and I'm sad I didn't have time to talk to each of you (needed to leave early for a gig). The list of participants can be seen here. The highlight of the evening for me was to finally meet the lovely Julie of Julie's Schöne Welt. She was every bit as great as I thought she would be, and we immediately made a second date for the beginning of May. Yay!

Thanks again for the great opportunity to meet you guys, and I'll definitely make sure that I can stay longer in the next meet-up.

Viime perjantaina valouvausinnostuneet bloggaajat kokoontuivat länsiberliiniläiseen Friedenauhun. Hauskaa oli vaikkakin riemu loppui omalta kohdaltani lyhyeen kun piti lähteä kaverin keikalle. Ens kerralla sitten enemmän!

With love, Lilje

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

The Three Dropped Stitch Wristwarmers

So guys, Easter is over. I know I promised you pictures, but what can you do: when the night is dark, the wine a-flow and four people are crammed in a kitchen barely designed to fit one, sometimes there aren't any pics to show for it. I am deeply sorry.

To apologise, I decided to share with you another wristwarmer project of mine. The pattern is Amy Gunderson's Deconstructed Mitts taken from Knitscene accessories 2012. As you look at the picture below, you might wonder, if I have forgotten how many hands a normal human being usually has. The answer is no, I intended to do the normal two mitts/wristwarmers, but as I am her Wonkiness, things went a bit awry...

The mitts used dropped stitches and stitches knit and purled through back loop as emphasis on either side of the dropped stitch. I knew how to knit through back loop. So, how hard could it be to purl through back loop? No need to check for instructions, right? 

So, this is what happens when you don't know what you're doing: check the difference between the upper and the lower mitt.

This is not how you do it

This is how you do it

And apparently the fucked-up through back loop purls also affect how the dropped stitch unravels. Who knew! Well, now I do. And I've learned my lesson: if you don't know how to do something, check out the instructions. Don't wing it.

But these little ones were quite fun to knit, and even though I did stuff differently than in the instructions, they still turned out quite nice. They'll be a prezzie for a friend of mine, so hope she likes them :)

Don't know what to do with the third one, though. Any suggestions? //

Pääsiäiseltä ei jäänyt kuvatallenteita, sori. Yritin korvata tekemällä kahden ranteenlämmittimen sijaan kolme. Aina kannatta katsoa ohjeita, opin taas, yritettyäni värkätä taka"loopin" kautta eli kääntäen neulottuja nurjia silmukoita. Ei se menny ihan niin kun olin kuvitellu, kuten kuvista nähdä saattaa. Jos on vinkkejä, mitä ton kolmannen epäonnisen kanssa vois suorittaa niin otetaan vastaan.

With Love,

Pattern: Deconstructed Mitts
Yarn: Malaysian weirdo
Needles: 5 mm dp and 4 mm dp for the rib
Mood: All good stuff comes in threes