Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Berlin (Photography) Bloggers

Hey you! The spring is finally here, or so it seems. Every other day it's warm and nice, and every other day you wear the same clothes as the day before and almost freeze to death. I'm teetering on the verge of a spring cold, but trying to avoid it by drinking tea, using my neti-pot and eating a ridiculous amount of vitamins. And of course crafting. But more of that in the next post.

Right now, let's go back to last weekend. On Friday, a bunch of photography-minded Berlin bloggers got together in Friedenau (really far away from where I live...) to share a glass of wine and discuss blogging and taking pictures. There were about a dozen of us there, and I'm sad I didn't have time to talk to each of you (needed to leave early for a gig). The list of participants can be seen here. The highlight of the evening for me was to finally meet the lovely Julie of Julie's Schöne Welt. She was every bit as great as I thought she would be, and we immediately made a second date for the beginning of May. Yay!

Thanks again for the great opportunity to meet you guys, and I'll definitely make sure that I can stay longer in the next meet-up.

Viime perjantaina valouvausinnostuneet bloggaajat kokoontuivat länsiberliiniläiseen Friedenauhun. Hauskaa oli vaikkakin riemu loppui omalta kohdaltani lyhyeen kun piti lähteä kaverin keikalle. Ens kerralla sitten enemmän!

With love, Lilje

1 comment:

  1. ach gott, da fühl ich mich ja direkt total geschmeichelt. Wie süß von dir!!! Dabei war ich an dem Abend doch ganz still und nervös und zurückhaltend.
    Ich fands aber auch sehr toll, dich endlich mal in persona kennenzulernen und freu mich sehr auf unser coffee date ;)
    und dein täschchen ist so süß!!!
    Ich hab tatsächlich vor ein paar wochen auch so eins gemacht,nur immer noch nicht gepostet! Richtig, richtig hübsch geworden!
    Ich grüß dich ganz doll sehr :)


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