Sunday 24 March 2013

The Calendar

Still snow! The winter really isn't going anywhere this year. The past few days have been brilliantly sunny but freezing cold. So, there is a real need for something colourful to bring the spring that much closer. Which brings me to the previous post!

Tan-tan-taaaaa.... here it is, the answer to the picture puzzle. Let me introduce you to my happy thought/event calendar! It took time to cut the cards and write the dates but now it is done. And I love it! The idea of keeping the calendar with you for many years and reading what you've done on the same days in previous years just seems very cool. I saw a calendar like this in a blog somewhere, but for the life of me I can't seem to find it anymore :(. But thank you still, blog owner with no name, for the brilliant idea. //

Talvitalvikylmääbrrrrr. Mikä kevät? Onpahan sentään aurinkoista ja kaunista. Värejä kuitenkin tarvitaan, tässä niitä kokonaiset 365. Joka päivälle omansa, mukavien ajatuksien ja tapahtumien kirjaamista varten. Oli muuten hommaa leikata noita lappuja! :D

With love, Lilje


  1. ohhhh das ist eine superschöne idee! Ich hab das auch schon mal so in der art auf pinterest gesehen und war ganz begeistert. Schöne, schöne, schöne idee ^_____^

  2. Danke danke für den tollen Kommentar! Jaah ich finde es auch superschön, kriege immer gute Laune wenn ich der Kalender so bunt hier neben mir sehe :)


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