Sunday 17 March 2013

The Cotton Cowl

Due to all the icky illness-related things, this post is way overdue. The cowl of doom, as I fondly call it, was finished already in Thailand. It turned out... well, what should I say. It is a cowl, yes. It can be worn around one's neck. It even magically stretches enough so that you can wrap it awound your neck twice (as it is knit so loosely). It doesn't really look anything like it was supposed to. Do I like it? Weeeeelll... Maybe as a festival cowl.

But hey people, seriously, cowls? I don't really see their point. They're just a woolly/cottony thing you wrap around your neck, that hangs there loosely like an oversized necklace. The only ones that are really useful are the really long ones, that wrap around many times and keep you warm. But the normal ones? They either leave the neck or the throat bare. And what's the use in that? Maybe you can enlighten me? :) (Or maybe, just maybe, if this one had turned out like it should with the other end way tighter and smaller, there would be no reason for this rant.) //

Noniin, valmis on. Ei siitä kovin kaunis tullut, mutta kyllähän tuota nyt kaulassaan roikuttaa. En vaan ehkä tajua tällasten tuubihuivien pointtia: ne vaan roikkuu siinä ja jättää joko kaulan tai kurkun paljaaksi. Mikä järki? Paitsi tietty jos ne on semmoisia pitkiä joita voi kieputtaa useammin kaulan ympärille. Ne tajuan. Muita en. Valaiskaa fiksummat jos olen väärässä. Tietty jos tästä olisi tullut mallinsa kaltainen eli toinen pää paljon pienempi ja tiukempi, ehkä ei olis syytä tuubienvastaisrintamalle...

Yarn: Novita Hanko
Needles: 9 and 10, circular
Mood: Well, it's done...

With love, Lilje


  1. ich find er ist sehr schön geworden :) Aber ich liebe loops sowieso total gerne!!!

    1. Danke! Tjaah, vielleicht ich lerne auch es zu lieben. Momentan bin ich nur froh dass diese Projekt vorbei ist ;)


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